Unix GnollHack Version 4.2.0 (Build 15) - last build Mon Aug 26 14:58:04 2024 (0901d4a45baaa62119135436285cb6529feb6c99). Game began 2024-10-03 02:57:42, ended 2024-10-03 03:48:18 kozmikyak, lawful female human Valkyrie --------------------------------- ----------- |,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.########.,,,,,,,,,| |,----,,,,-----,----+-- -----,,|# ##|,,,,,,,,,| |,|..|---,|(aa|,+ , |,,. |,,,,,,,,<| |,|..|..|,|%@S|,| , |,,| +,,,,,,,,,| |,--||..|,|.S@|,---- , |,,. ----------- |,,,,|..|,|(S.a,,,,+ |,--+--,,| |,{,,-|--,----|,,,,| |,,,,,,,,| |,,,,,,,%,,-..|-+-,- -,,-----,| |,,,,--|-,,|.*| , ,,,+ |,| |,-|-|..|,----| ,,| |,| .,|..|..|,-.).| -,-----,| |,|._|---,|...| |,,,,,,,| |,|..|,,,,|/.[| +,,,,,,,| .,----,,,,-----+---------,,,,,{,| |,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,| --------------------------------- Kozmikyak the Fighter St:18/07 Dx:10 Co:18 In:8 Wi:8 Ch:7 Lawful Dlvl:6 HP:83(113) MP:29(29) AC:-31 MC:10/75% MS:15 W:M/S XL:9 a $:1261 T:7065 50m:35s S:2900 Skill Grab Strngl Suffoc Satiated Burdened Stun C Latest messages: It misses! The fire ant misses! The fire ant misses! The snake misses! The snake just misses! It misses! The priest of Odin swings his mace. The priest of Odin hits for 1 damage! The priest of Odin kicks for 1 damage! The priest of Odin points at you, then curses. The fire ant bites for 1 damage! The fire ant bites! You're on fire! You sustain 1 damage. It misses! You are being strangled! The fire ant misses! The fire ant misses! The snake bites for 1 damage! The snake misses! It misses! The priest of Odin swings his mace. The priest of Odin misses! The priest of Odin just misses! The priest of Odin casts a spell at you! You feel more confused! The snake misses! You find it hard to breathe. You are being strangled! The fire ant misses! The fire ant misses! The snake misses! The snake misses! It misses! The priest of Odin swings his mace. The priest of Odin hits for 1 damage! The priest of Odin kicks for 1 damage! The priest of Odin points at you, then curses. The fire ant misses! The fire ant misses! The snake bites for 1 damage! You're gasping for air. You are being strangled! This will delete your character! Are you sure to quit? y You were playing on adept difficulty in classic mode. Do you want your possessions identified? n Do you want to see your attributes? n Do you want an account of creatures vanquished? n Do you want to see your conduct? n Do you want to see the dungeon overview? n Inventory: Coins $ - 1261 gold pieces Amulets U - an uncursed amulet of reflection (being worn) Weapons a - the blessed rustproof +1 Excalibur (weapon in hand) Armor b - a cursed -1 cloak of displacement (being worn) c - an uncursed +0 pair of steel shoes (being worn) e - an uncursed +0 dwarvish gemstone roundshield (being worn) f - an uncursed +0 banded mail (being worn; better AC) t - an uncursed +0 dwarvish steel helm (being worn) C - an uncursed burnt +0 pair of gloves of haste (being worn) F - a blessed +0 clerical gown (being worn; better MC) Rings g - an uncursed ring of poison resistance (on left hand) o - an uncursed ring of shock resistance (on right hand) Comestibles d - 2 uncursed figs k - 2 uncursed cram rations A - an uncursed dragon fruit Y - an uncursed partly eaten food ration Potions Z - an uncursed potion of paralysis Wands p - a wand of cancellation (0:5) I - a wand of striking (0:66) Tools B - an uncursed sack containing 35 items K - an uncursed skeleton key N - 2 blessed torches (500 turns left) O - a blessed partly used torch (106 turns left) Art objects H - an uncursed painting of a priestess by Otumn Contents of the sack: 1 - a +0 long sword 2 - a +3 long sword 3 - an uncursed +0 pair of elven boots 4 - an uncursed +0 elven dragonhide cloak 5 - a blessed +2 ring of gain strength 6 - an uncursed ring of teleport control 7 - 2 uncursed penny buns 8 - 2 uncursed cloudberries 9 - an uncursed elven waybread 10 - 2 uncursed eucalyptus leaves 11 - 6 uncursed food rations 12 - 2 uncursed lizard corpses 13 - an uncursed lizard corpse 14 - an uncursed scroll of charging 15 - an uncursed potion of water 16 - a potion of holy water 17 - an uncursed potion of dwarven mushroom brew 18 - a cursed potion of object detection 19 - a blessed potion of object detection 20 - 2 uncursed potions of object detection 21 - an uncursed potion of oil 22 - a wand of ore detection (0:4) 23 - a wand of striking (0:70) 24 - an uncursed blindfold 25 - a +0 pick-axe 26 - 14 uncursed torches (500 turns left) 27 - 3 uncursed sprigs of wolfsbane 28 - 2 uncursed agate stones 29 - 3 uncursed worthless pieces of red glass 30 - 3 uncursed worthless pieces of yellow glass 31 - an uncursed nugget of adamantium ore 32 - 4 uncursed nuggets of copper ore 33 - 3 uncursed nuggets of iron ore 34 - 3 uncursed nuggets of mithril ore 35 - 2 uncursed nuggets of platinum ore Kozmikyak the Valkyrie's attributes: Background: You were a Fighter, a level 9 human Valkyrie. You were lawful, on a mission for Tyr who was opposed by Odin (neutral) and Loki (chaotic). You were in the Gnomish Mines, on level 6. You entered the dungeon 7065 turns ago. You had 2047 experience points. Basics: You had 83 out of 113 hit points. You had 29 mana in total. Your armor class was -31. Your magic cancellation was 10 (75% chance). Your wallet contained 1261 gold pieces. Autopickup was on for thrown only. Your game difficulty was adept (59% damage by monsters, 187% by player). You were playing in classic mode (traditional mode with permanent death). Your game score was 2900. You had been playing the game for 50 minutes and 35 seconds. Final Characteristics: Your strength was 18/07 (limit:18/100, +3-4 to-hit bonus, +6-8 damage bonus). Your dexterity was 10 (limit:18, +0 to-hit bonus, -1 AC bonus). Your constitution was 18 (limit:18, +5.5 HP bonus per level). Your intelligence was 8 (limit:18). Your wisdom was 8 (limit:18). Your charisma was 7 (limit:18). Final Status: You were being strangled because of the python holding you and an effect (3 rounds left). You were stunned. You were confused. You were held by a python. You were satiated. You were burdened; movement was slightly slowed. You were wielding a sword and a shield. You were skilled in swords (+4 to hit and +2 to damage). You had expert skill with shields (-15 to AC and +3 to MC). Final Attributes: You were piously aligned. You were weakly (50%) fire resistant intrinsically. You were weakly (50%) cold resistant innately. You were fully shock resistant because of your ring of shock resistance. You were latently weakly (50%) shock resistant intrinsically. You were sleep resistant intrinsically. You were poison resistant because of your ring of poison resistance. You were level-drain resistant because of the Excalibur. You were telepathic when blind intrinsically. You had automatic searching because of the Excalibur. You were displaced because of your cloak of displacement. You were stealthy innately. You were very fast because of your gloves of haste. You were latently fast innately. You had reflection because of your amulet of reflection. You survived. Final Skills: Dagger Basic / Grand Master Axe Basic / Grand Master Sword Skilled / Grand Master Bludgeoning weapon Basic / Grand Master Polearm Unskilled / Master Thrusting weapon Unskilled / Master Bow Unskilled / Expert Crossbow Unskilled / Expert Bare handed combat Basic / Grand Master Dual wielding Basic / Grand Master Thrown weapon Unskilled / Expert Dodge Skilled / Master Shield Expert / Grand Master Wand Unskilled / Basic Riding Unskilled / Expert Disarm trap Unskilled / Skilled You had 1 skill slot available You did not know any spells. Major events: Turn 1: kozmikyak the lawful human Valkyrie has entered the dungeon on adept difficulty in classic mode 5702: was bestowed with Excalibur by the Lady of the Lake 5905: entered the Gnomish Mines Vanquished creatures: a clay golem 2 nurses a black dragon hatchling a wumpus a xan an ogre lord a quantum mechanic a gelatinous cube a pyrolisk a freezing sphere 4 skeletons a wraith a Grey-elf a giant beetle 2 quivering blobs a winter wolf cub a wolf a direwolf a lynx 2 gnome kings a spotted jelly an orc-captain an iron piercer an ice vortex 3 black lights an ogre 4 lizards a housecat a gnoll lord 2 dwarf ladies 2 blue jellies a gnoll zombie a raven 7 fire ants 2 gnolls 7 gnome lords or ladies 4 gnomish wizards 5 bugbears a quasit a wood nymph a water nymph 2 mountain nymphs 2 ponies 4 elf zombies a gray ooze 2 straw golems 10 giant ants 2 floating eyes a kitten 4 dwarves 2 kobold shamans 3 rabid rats 6 dwarf zombies 3 iguanas 2 acid blobs 16 gnomes 2 manes a large kobold 9 hobgoblins an orc 3 giant rats a cave spider a red mold a gecko 4 jackals 3 foxes 9 goblins 3 grid bugs a bat a lichen 174 creatures vanquished. No species were genocided or became extinct. Goals: You were on a mission to recover the Amulet of Yendor for Tyr. Achievements: You had descended to the Gnomish Mines. You had visited Mine Town. You had visited a shop. You had visited a temple. Voluntary challenges: You never genocided any monsters. You never polymorphed an object. You used no wishes. Role score: You had 0 non-ammo items of celestial quality with you. You had 0 ammo of celestial quality with you. You had 0 non-ammo items of celestial quality in your sandalwood chest. You had 0 ammo of celestial quality in your sandalwood chest. You had gained 0% of your maximum role score. The Dungeons of Doom: Levels 1 to 10 Level 1: An altar to Tyr, an entrance to the Dungeons of Doom, a sink. Level 2: Level 3: A general store, a fountain. Stairs down to The Gnomish Mines. Level 4: Many trees. Level 5: Many fountains. Oracle of Delphi. Level 6: Level 7: A bookstore. Level 8: Level 9: A smithy. Level 10: Many trees. The Gnomish Mines: Levels 4 to 6 Level 4: Level 5: Level 6: <- You were here. A general store, a neutral temple, a smithy, a workshop, some fountains. Mine Town. Farvel kozmikyak the Valkyrie... You quit in The Gnomish Mines on dungeon level 6 with 2900 points, and 1261 pieces of gold, after 7065 moves. You played on adept difficulty in classic mode for 50 minutes and 35 seconds. The dungeon never collapsed on you. You were level 9 with a maximum of 113 hit points when you quit.