Unix GnollHack Version 4.1.3 (Build 48) - last build Fri Apr 26 13:38:56 2024 (0a95bbe08f25bded840a3346243c181b5cd2872d). Game began 2024-05-16 18:33:29, ended 2024-05-16 19:26:46 Shadowcat, neutral female human Tourist ---- |,, |,,----,,, |,,,,|,,,,, |%%,,,u@,,, |,,,,#-#,,, |,,,,,,|,, --,,,,--- |,,,-- , ----- | Shadowcat the Excursionist St:3 Dx:12 Co:12 In:15 Wi:8 Ch:20 Neutral Dlvl:6 HP:0(86) MP:46(46) AC:-2 MC:4/40% MS:6 W:- XL:6/537 s $:340 T:3410 53m:16s S:162 Fainted Stressed Deaf Latest messages: HINT - You can heal yourself by drinking a potion of healing or retreating to another level to heal up. The pony bites for 1 damage! The pony kicks for 1 damage! The pony bites for 1 damage! The pony kicks for 1 damage! The pony just misses! The pony kicks for 1 damage! The pony bites for 1 damage! The pony misses! The pony bites for 1 damage! The pony kicks for 1 damage! The pony bites for 1 damage! The pony kicks for 1 damage! The pony bites for 1 damage! The pony kicks for 1 damage! The pony bites for 1 damage! The monkey hits! The monkey stole a wand of probing (0:30). The monkey bites for 1 damage! The pony kicks for 1 damage! The pony bites for 1 damage! You regain consciousness. The pony kicks for 1 damage! The pony misses! The monkey hits! The monkey stole an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves. The monkey tries to run away with your pair of leather gloves. You can hear again. You faint from lack of food. The pony kicks for 1 damage! The pony bites for 1 damage! The pony kicks for 1 damage! The pony bites for 1 damage! The pony kicks for 1 damage! The pony bites for 1 damage! The pony kicks for 1 damage! The pony bites for 1 damage! The pony kicks for 1 damage! The pony bites for 1 damage! The pony kicks for 1 damage! The pony bites for 1 damage! The pony misses! The pony bites for 1 damage! You die... You were playing on standard difficulty in classic mode. Do you want your possessions identified? y Do you want to see your attributes? y Do you want an account of creatures vanquished? n Do you want to see your conduct? y Do you want to see the dungeon overview? n Inventory: Coins $ - 340 gold pieces Amulets Z - an uncursed amulet of magical breathing (being worn) Weapons I - 13 +0 elven arrows (in quiver) J - a blessed +1 elven long bow Armor f - an uncursed +2 Hawaiian shirt (being worn) D - an uncursed +0 Stygian exceptional gnollish leather armor G - an uncursed +0 orcish helm (being worn) P - an uncursed +0 dwarvish mithril helm R - an uncursed +1 dwarvish mithril-coat U - a cursed +0 orcish chain mail (being worn) Miscellaneous n - an uncursed +2 ioun stone of dexterity (orbiting head) t - an uncursed pair of golden earrings (being worn) Rings j - an uncursed ring of teleport control (on left hand) Comestibles e - 2 cursed figs r - an uncursed cloudberry w - 2 uncursed pears y - 2 uncursed dragon fruits A - 2 uncursed food rations F - an uncursed lizard corpse L - an uncursed apple N - 2 uncursed figs Scrolls x - a cursed scroll of identify C - a cursed scroll of magic mapping M - an uncursed scroll of identify O - an uncursed scroll of gold detection S - a cursed scroll of confuse monster Wands a - a wand of striking (0:55) c - a wand of striking (0:53) i - a blessed wand of teleportation (0:0) Tools b - a +3 golf club d - an empty uncursed bag of wizardry g - an uncursed tallow candle (300 turns left) h - an expensive camera (0:39) k - an uncursed credit card m - an uncursed towel o - an uncursed oil lamp (lit, 962 turns left) q - a +0 pick-axe s - an uncursed expensive handbag containing 23 items K - an uncursed wooden harp Q - an uncursed oil lamp (1224 turns left) X - a cursed stethoscope Y - a cursed wax candle (600 turns left) Reagents p - 5 uncursed ginseng roots Gems/Stones z - an uncursed nugget of mithril ore Not carrying anything Contents of the expensive handbag: 1 - 313 gold pieces 2 - an uncursed +0 pair of cotton slippers 3 - an uncursed -3 pair of levitation boots 4 - an uncursed +0 bathrobe 5 - an uncursed ring of invisibility 6 - an uncursed +1 ring of protection 7 - 2 uncursed Chocolate Chexes 8 - an uncursed cream pie 9 - an uncursed fig 10 - 3 cursed figs 11 - an uncursed food ration 12 - 4 uncursed food rations 13 - 2 uncursed handfuls of nuts 14 - an uncursed tin of giant rat meat 15 - an uncursed egg 16 - an uncursed manual entitled Guide to Essential Resistances, Vol. I 17 - an uncursed manual entitled Understanding Pets and Hirelings 18 - an uncursed potion of enlightenment 19 - an uncursed potion of greater energy 20 - an uncursed towel 21 - an uncursed clump of bat guano 22 - an uncursed heap of sporal powder 23 - 3 uncursed pieces of wood Shadowcat the Tourist's attributes: Background: You were an Excursionist, a level 6 female human Tourist. You were neutral, on a mission for The Lady who was opposed by Blind Io (lawful) and Offler (chaotic). You were in the Gnomish Mines, on level 6. You entered the dungeon 3410 turns ago. You had 537 experience points. Basics: You had 0 out of 86 hit points. You had 46 mana in total. Your armor class was -2. Your magic cancellation was 4 (40% chance). Your wallet contained 340 gold pieces. Autopickup was on for thrown only. Your game difficulty was standard (25% damage by monsters, 250% by player). You were playing in classic mode (traditional mode with permanent death). Your game score was 162. You had been playing the game for 53 minutes and 16 seconds. Final Characteristics: Your strength was 3 (base:4, peak:15, limit:18/100, +0 to-hit bonus, -1 damage penalty). Your dexterity was 12 (base:10, limit:18, +1 to-hit bonus, -2 AC bonus). Your constitution was 12 (limit:18, +2.5 HP bonus per level). Your intelligence was 15 (limit:18). Your wisdom was 8 (limit:18). Your charisma was 20 (base:17, innate limit:18). Final Status: You were deaf because of an effect (5 rounds left). You were fainted due to starvation. You were stressed; movement was moderately slowed. You were bare handed. You were fighting weaponless (half strength damage bonus). Final Attributes: You were piously aligned. You were weakly (50%) cold resistant intrinsically. You were telepathic when blind intrinsically. You had teleport control because of your ring of teleport control. You could survive without air because of your amulet of magical breathing. You are dead. Final Skills: Dagger Unskilled / Expert Axe Unskilled / Expert Sword Basic / Expert Bludgeoning weapon Basic / Master Flail Unskilled / Expert Quarterstaff Unskilled / Expert Polearm Unskilled / Expert Thrusting weapon Unskilled / Expert Bow Unskilled / Expert Sling Unskilled / Expert Crossbow Unskilled / Expert Thrown weapon Basic / Grand Master Whip Unskilled / Expert Arcane spell Unskilled / Expert Clerical spell Basic / Expert Healing spell Unskilled / Expert Divination spell Unskilled / Master Abjuration spell Basic / Expert Movement spell Unskilled / Grand Master Transmutation spell Unskilled / Expert Enchantment spell Unskilled / Expert Conjuration spell Unskilled / Expert Bare handed combat Unskilled / Expert Dual wielding Unskilled / Expert Two-handed weapon Unskilled / Expert Dodge Basic / Expert Shield Basic / Expert Wand Basic / Expert Riding Unskilled / Expert Digging Unskilled / Expert Disarm trap Unskilled / Expert You had 0 skill slots available Spells in your repertoire: Water walking 0% success 8 castings left Diminish magic resistance 48% success 15 castings left Clairvoyance 71% success 4 castings left Major events: Turn 1: Shadowcat the neutral female human Tourist has entered the dungeon on standard difficulty in classic mode 2434: entered the Gnomish Mines 3410: killed by a pony, while fainted from lack of food Vanquished creatures: 2 small mimics 3 quantum mechanics 2 giant beetles a quivering blob a winter wolf cub a spotted jelly a black light a brown pudding 3 lizards a blue jelly a dust vortex 2 human zombies a gnoll 3 gnome lords or ladies a gnomish wizard a bugbear a black orc a fog cloud 2 yellow lights a shrieker a floating eye 6 dwarves 2 homunculi a kobold lord 2 kobold shamans a rothe an iguana 18 gnomes 3 manes 2 large kobolds 6 hobgoblins an orc 2 giant rats a yellow mold 4 geckos a jackal 7 kobolds 7 goblins 2 sewer rats 6 grid bugs 2 kobold zombies 4 newts 110 creatures vanquished. No species were genocided or became extinct. Goals: You were on a mission to recover the Amulet of Yendor for The Lady. Achievements: You had descended to the Gnomish Mines. You had visited Mine Town. Voluntary challenges: You never genocided any monsters. You never polymorphed an object. You never changed form. You used no wishes. Role score: Selfies taken with: an elven bard a dwarf You had gained 0% of your maximum role score. The Dungeons of Doom: Levels 1 to 5 Level 1: An altar to The Lady, an entrance to the Dungeons of Doom, a fountain. Level 2: A practice hall. Level 3: A natural fountain. Stairs down to The Gnomish Mines. Level 4: A chaotic altar, a magic fountain, a grave. Level 5: Many trees. The Gnomish Mines: Levels 4 to 6 Level 4: Level 5: Level 6: <- You were here. Mine Town. Final resting place for you, killed by a pony, while fainted from lack of food. ---------- / \ / REST \ / IN \ / PEACE \ / \ | Shadowcat | | 653 Au | | killed by a pony | | | | | | | | 2024 | *| * * * | * _________)/\\_//(\/(/\)/\//\/|_)_______ Aloha Shadowcat the Tourist... You died in The Gnomish Mines on dungeon level 6 with 162 points, and 653 pieces of gold, after 3410 moves. You played on standard difficulty in classic mode for 53 minutes and 16 seconds. The dungeon never collapsed on you. You were level 6 with a maximum of 86 hit points when you died.